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         Prema Birthing

Prema Birthing is a wonderful, very powerful but very gentle energy healing.  It works with Divine Mother Energy so it's very nurturing, very loving, extraordinarily beautiful energy that comes through for the prema birthing.  With prema birthing any agreements your soul may have entered into this lifetime that are no longer serving you, you can release.  Those limiting beliefs are no longer controlling you so you can emerge more into your true self and be who you were truly meant to be.

It's as if your brain and your whole being are rebooted. Rebooting your entire hard drive, eliminating any old programs and files that are no longer working for you.

You wind up just feeling just wonderful, like a new person.  It's a rebirthing.  Very gentle and quiet.  Very beautiful.


All About Prema Birthing

The Most Loving Way to be Reborn Into More of Your True Self 

Out with Old In With the New

Prema Birthing healing system is the most loving way to be REBORN into your True Self. It is a gentle and powerful way for you to let go of the negative programming and limiting beliefs that keep you stuck.

Wipe the Slate Clean

Each of us is born with a set of circumstances, or "karmas", that create our experiences. As we live our lives and learn from our surroundings, we accumulate fears, false belief systems, and negative programming. As we come into awareness of these things that no longer serve us, we become ready to let go of them.
Prema Birthing Can Eliminate All levels of dis-ease from the body, mind & spirit.

If you are aware of the things you are ready to let go of at this time in your life, you can release them during a Prema Birthing session. This transforms the environment or receptors in your body, which in turn change the cells of your biology, and deep healing is achieved. This technique has greatly benefited people around the world who have experienced it.

You Will Emerge with a New Programming running on your hard drive that says you are well & whole.

The Prema Birthing process is like bringing you right back to the "programmer" to have old programs, no longer useful in your life, deleted and new positive programs put in their place with your consent, so that you are ready to face the world as a whole, healthy being. You become ready to find the truth that will set you free from limitation, and put yourself on the path to happiness and health.

Where Did Prema Birthing Originate?

The Prema Birthing Healing System is not a new technique. It can be traced back to many cultures, including the ancient sleep temples of Egypt, the secret teachings of the mystery schools around the world, and even the hidden Tibetan and Hindu yogi techniques. These traditions know that true healing lies within.

Other rebirthing techniques have incorporated similar information, but Prema Birthing brings greater success. This is because Prema Birthing incorporates the most important part of the process:
Love + Consciousness +Environment=
Transformation of dis-ease.

Take the first step. We are here.

Prema Birthing healing sessions can be performed from a distance if an in-person session is not possible. You will receive the same powerful effects as an in-person healing session.

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